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Are you in need of professional legal services to contest a drug charge? Being charged with an offence can be tough for both you and your loved ones. If you are not getting direct legal advice, the stress can impact you for the rest of your life. Elliot Starer is an experienced lawyer and former assistant crown attorney. With over 40 years of practicing law, he has all the knowledge and experience required to give you the personal attention you deserve and defend your rights.


Choose a drug defense lawyer in Vaughan that will represent you every step of the way - before, during, and after your trial. Contact Elliot Starer today, and avoid the unneeded consequences of being poorly represented.

Drug Offenses and Charges

Anything related to the manufacturing, distribution, possession and selling of drugs and even consumption of illegal drugs amounts to a serious drug offence in Canada. The consequences in cases related to drugs always depend on the nature of the offense and the type of drug used.

Drug charges also depend on the possession and how police obtained these drugs. The penalty for every offence varies depending on the seriousness of the issue. As these charges come under a criminal offence, make sure that you get proper legal representation. Elliot Starer has the right skill and expertise to offer proper legal solutions in your defense.

Individuals penalized with a drug offence can be withheld from traveling to other foreign countries until all the proceedings are over. A drug record can also affect your employability. One can also be imprisoned if found guilty of this charge.

Trust Elliot Starer, drug defense lawyer in Thornhill, and his expertise in dealing with drug related cases.


Protection From Drug Charges

Whether you are facing the charges of possession or distribution of illegal drugs, it's crucial to deal with it as fast as possible by hiring the best drug defense lawyer available. Even if you're a family member and you live in the same house as the person being charged for a drug-related crime, there's a chance that you may get arrested if proven that your house or the property was used to distribute or sell any illegal drugs.


Elliot Starer can help you know your rights and offer guidance on how to move forward with the criminal charges so that you get the least penalty and best deal possible that the court can give you.


If you or someone you know is looking for a reliable drug defence lawyer in Thornhill, reach out to Elliot Starer now. You can also reach out to him for DUI defence and impaired driving charges.

Contact Us Today

f you or someone you know is looking for a reliable drug defense lawyer in Thornhill, reach out to Elliot Starer now. You can also reach out to him for DUI defense and impaired driving charges.



Schedule your appointment today for expert legal advice and get a free initial 30-minute consultation.

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